Message from Deb
To most of us in So Cal, June is the official kick-off to summer. Beach days with new friends, music, parties and celebrations. Seems like SCWD’s summer calendar is falling right in line with this theme.
For starters, we joined the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce last month, so you’ll probably start to see our name out around town and beyond more and more. I’m also happy to announce SCWD is giving back to our community as a proud sponsor of the Doheny Surf Festival being held August 11th-12th benefiting our local beaches and State Parks. It’s a weekend celebration jammed packed with all things food, music and art aimed at saving our beloved beaches. Stay tuned, when their website goes live you’ll be able to purchase tickets or reserve a booth for your business with online ease. And finally, I’m once again proud to announce the successful launch of a few more websites; check them out below.
Also happening this month on June 16th we are hosting a Half-Off Headshots Day here at the SCWD headquarters.A professional headshot is a critical component to your business in so many different ways. You need one for use on your website, on your social media pages, on business cards, bylines, blogs and so much more. Do you have one? We’ll have a professional stylist on-hand to help smooth out any flyaway hair and make sure that you look your best. Contact us to reserve your spot soon because at this low price, space will fill up fast.
Also, on June 5th, I will be attending the Orange County Business Journal’s 2012 Women In Business Awards, of which I feel so fortunate to be a nominee. It is an honor to be a part of such an awesome group of women in Orange County. Little ol’ me?? No applause, please.
Please be sure to check out this month’s Tech Report on backing up your WordPress site. I strongly urge all of you to take the time to set up a backup plan for your sites. The last thing you want to find is that your site has been hacked, or taken down by your hosting server because of malware. Whether you are a do-it-yourselfer or hire somebody like us, I can’t stress enough to you how important it is to have a back up of your entire website.
Do you have plans TONIGHT? Here’s a hot tip for ya! Native San Clemente photographer Wendy Yoder’s work will be showcased at Zebra House Coffee on South El Camino Real from 6-9pm. She is graciously donating 100% of the proceeds from her sales to FAM (Family Assistance Ministries.) Plus, they’re also featuring live music by local musician Dick Hoye; he’ll be singing and playing his keyboard. And, it’s free!
So go out and enjoy summer!