E-Readers are the greatest! They go with us everywhere and give us instant access to any type of reading material on the Internet we choose. Best Sellers, newspapers, blogs, magazines, basically anything digital. But, if you’re a Mom like me, you know they can also access games – which can sometimes be a busy parent’s best friend.
I have both the Kindle Keyboard and the Kindle Fire, and if reading is your goal, go with the regular Kindle. It is amazing. With their E Ink technology, it is as close to reading from ink and paper as you’re going to get from an electronic device. It isn’t color, though, so save reading your magazines for the Fire.
If you have kids, like me, the Kindle Fire is the choice. Mine is still going strong after four months in our home and we have a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old, playing games on it! It streams movies and TV shows and the picture quality is great. I think it’s a cool little gadget that the whole family can enjoy!